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  • Ridgeline Insights

Why Amazon Matters in the Outdoor Industry

We’ve been managing, selling, and partnering with brands in the outdoor industry for years. Every brand has a different strategy, but regardless, avoiding Amazon or not putting your best forward on the platform seems like a missed opportunity. Besides the sheer amount of traffic and consumers on the channel, here are some insights that show even your highest quality outdoor products should be represented on Amazon.

Omnichannel Strategy

Listing and selling your products on Amazon doesn’t devalue your brand. With the right partner, it can fit into your DTC and brick-and-mortar strategy and work WITH it, not compete against it. We treat Amazon as part of the brand's broader strategy. Price integrity, proper brand representation, and pushing priority products are all part of that strategy.

41% of outdoor customers use Amazon for research.

A Key Consumer Touchpoint

A well-merchandised brand on Amazon can act as a silent salesperson and give the consumer the information they need to make an informed buying decision either on Amazon or on some other platform, like your brand website.

63% of outdoor customers start their purchase journey on Amazon.

Tap Into a New Audience

Consumers are starting their research and comparing products on Amazon. If your brand is easy to find and properly represented, you can gain that customer's trust instead of losing the sale to a competitor on the platform.

71% of outdoor customers discover new brands on Amazon.

Amazon can only improve the value of your brand, while still earning the trust and conversions of new-to-brand customers.

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