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This Referral Agreement is between Ridgeline Insights and Brand Partners who refer potential clients. Brand Partners are categorized as such:

  • Current Partners are defined as individuals and brands who are currently engaged with Ridgeline Insights, whether it be through a formal 2P / 2PXP contract, 3P partnership, or professional relationship.

  • Outside Business Partners are defined as individuals and organizations who own, operate, or a part of a complimentary business, and are willing to share potential clients based on services they cannot provide to said clients.

  • Personal Referral Partners are defined as individuals who are employees of Ridgeline Insights, close connections of employees of Ridgeline Insights, influencers who have collaborated with Ridgeline Insights, or sales representatives outside of current brands signed with Ridgeline Insights.


This Agreement shall be effective on the date the Brand Partner(s) registers for Ridgeline Insights Referral Program.


This Agreement will remain in effect, unless terminated by either Ridgeline Insights or Brand Partner(s) through verbal or written methods of communication.


This Agreement grants payment to Brand Partners who refer potential clients that sign a formal working contract with Ridgeline Insights. Brand Partners will be paid a predetermined amount (listed below) based on their relationship with Ridgeline Insights. Payment will be sent only once to Brand Partners for each potential client that signs a formal working contract with Ridgeline Insights. Brand Partner payment schedules based on relationship with Ridgeline Insights. Please reach out to for a breakdown of payment relationship.

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