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  • Ridgeline Insights

Best Practices for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

With Black Friday & Cyber Monday fast approaching, here are our Top 5 Best Practices based on our experience during these peak sale days.

1. In Stock!

First and foremost, make sure your best-sellers are in stock. Prioritize FBA to maximize your buy box and be available for Prime shipping. If you’re running low, gradually raise prices to maximize margin while still capitalizing on additional traffic. In-stock does not mean overstock. Keep in mind the increased fees and costs associated with FBA during Q4.

2. Know Your Keywords

Make sure you’re discoverable on your priority keywords. Most consumers trust products at the top of the first page and rarely go deep into the search pages. This means making sure you increase your keyword bids and ensuring your ad budgets don’t run out too early. With all the extra traffic and competition, it might not be the best time to chase those long-shot keywords with a low conversion. Instead, maximize your visibility through advertising on the targeting you know converts.

3. Maintain Your Listings

Consumers are shopping around and comparing. You won’t be the only product in the category that a consumer considers. How are you going to convert? Update your content to address any recent feedback in reviews. Even better, give your storefront a quick facelift with appropriate seasonal imagery and make sure your best-sellers are easily discoverable on the home page. Side note: We’ve seen listings break apart during some of the most important sales days like Black Friday. Check your catalog and ensure all runs smoothly.

4. Pricing Isn’t Everything

While price is a major point of consideration for shoppers, it isn’t everything. You don’t have to have the steepest discount just to convert shoppers, especially if that means sacrificing a significant margin. If you are going to discount, make sure it's enticing enough to provide a more significant bump in sales velocity. Otherwise, just hold tight and follow tips 1-3 to just take advantage of the increased purchase intent.

5. Learn Something

Use these high-traffic days to try some A/B tests on your titles, product images, and storefront. This is a low-risk strategy to take away new learning after the big shopping weekend.



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